《HKDADC 香港数字艺术设计大赛 》秋季赛,团队荣获一等奖

写于 2022 年 12 月 [SCITIP 香港数字艺术规划大赛 ]


2022 年 12 月 10 日,HKDADC 香港数字艺术规划大赛发布了本届秋季赛的获奖名单。我们的作品《广州番禺紫泥堂艺术小镇”圆屋“民宿建筑规划》、《广府龙舟文明博物馆》、《广州番禺紫泥堂艺术小镇”纸竹居“建筑规划》、《红砖马赛克资料研发规划》分别获得了一等奖、三等奖、三等奖、优秀奖,这是我们的荣誉和骄傲。

The HKDADC Hong Kong Digital Art Design Competition is guided by the Hong Kong Arts Development Foundation and sponsored by the Hong Kong Art Development Society. Adhering to the concept of “Design Improves Life” and adhering to the simultaneous development of art and technology, the competition is based in Hong Kong and is open to students and digital art practitioners from all over the country (including Macao and Taiwan). This year’s competition has two tracks: “proposition” and “non-proposition”. The purpose of the competition is to discover outstanding designers and excellent works from the three places across the Taiwan Strait and contribute to a better life for mankind.proposition” and “non-proposition”. The purpose of the competition is to discover outstanding designers and excellent works from the three places across the Taiwan Strait and contribute to a better life for mankind.

The HKDADC Hong Kong Digital Art Design Competition is guided by the Hong Kong Arts Development Foundation and sponsored by the Hong Kong Art Development Society. Adhering to the concept of “Design Improves Life” and adhering to the simultaneous development of art and technology, the competition is based in Hong Kong and is open to students and digital art practitioners from all over the country (including Macao and Taiwan). This year’s competition has two tracks: “proposition” and “non-proposition”. The purpose of the competition is to discover outstanding designers and excellent works from the three places across the Taiwan Strait and contribute to a better life for mankind.

HKDADC 香港数字艺术规划大赛是由香港艺术展开基金会为教导,香港艺术展开学会主办,秉承“规划改进日子”的理念,坚持艺术与技术并重,赛事安身香港面向全国(含澳门和台湾)在校生和数字艺术从业者敞开征稿,本届赛事设有“出题”和“非出题”两个赛道,参赛组别有视觉传达、视频与动画、数字影像、数字绘画、交互规划、游戏规划、时髦规划、环境空间、工业规划等。该赛事旨在通过赛事开掘两岸三地的优秀规划师与优秀作品,为人类夸姣日子添砖加瓦。


我们感谢 HKDADC 香港数字艺术规划大赛给我们供应了这样一个展示自己才调和学习交流的时机,让我们能够与来自不同国家和地区的优秀艺术家和规划师互相学习和切磋。我们也感谢我们的教师和同学们对我们的教导和支撑,让我们能够完结这些作品。我们将持续尽力,不断提高自己的水平,为数字艺术和规划事业做出更多贡献。








