
欢迎来到我们的 研究报告 页面,这里你可以看到我们在 澳门 研究、文化研究、历史研究、社会调查、数据中心、科学调查等领域的调查报告。这些报告展示了 我们 对澳门的多方面的探索和分析,包括澳门的社会、文化和历史等。无论你是想了解澳门的现状和发展,还是想学习澳门的研究方法和经验,这里都能为你提供有价值的信息和资源。



澳门茨林围是一条历史悠久的围村,位于大三巴牌坊附近,曾经是 17 世纪日本天主教徒的聚居地。围内有一个古老的水井,是当时澳门最大的一个水井。茨林围的建筑风格与周边有明显的差异,多为木屋、石屋或镀锌铁皮平房。茨林围是澳门历史城区的缓冲区地带,具有文化价值,2021 年被评定为不动产。目前,茨林围仍有数十户居民居住,以老一辈居多。


氹仔旧城区仙女巷 16 号修复及活化设计研究




澳门民间信仰盛行,民间信仰庙宇大约有 49 座,广泛分布在澳门三大区域,且都具有悠久的历史,其中澳门半岛分布有 31 座,路环和凼仔岛分别有 9 座,虽然数量不多,但相较于澳门的面积,澳门民间信仰庙宇的密度还是很密集的。



随着城市现代化的发展以及科技的迅速的进步,智慧城市的概念成为了许多城市的发展方向。智慧城市是信息技术与城市生活高度融合的产物,这其中包括了大数据分析、物联网、虚拟支付和 5G 等信息通讯技术,而在这些技术背后,数据的处理、传输和储存都离不开数据中心(data center)的支持。数据中心作为前沿科技的集成物,不仅包含了信息科技技术,同时包含了机电、消防、工程等众多工科学科的内容。此外,由于其常设置在办公楼或是独立的建筑物内,就更是需要室内设计和建筑设计的艺术设计实践学科的支持。

Welcome to our thematic research 研究报告 page, where you can see our research reports on Macau studies, cultural studies, historical studies, social surveys, data center, scientific surveys and more. These reports showcase our exploration and analysis of various aspects of Macau, including its society, culture and history.

Whether you want to know about Macau’s current situation and development, or learn from Macau’s research methods and experience, here you can find valuable information and resources.

Our research reports cover a broad range of topics and issues, such as Macau’s identity, heritage, diversity,

governance, economy, education, health, environment and so on, reflecting our multidimensional and holistic understanding and perspective.

Our research reports also adopt various approaches and techniques, such as qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, case studies, comparative studies and so on, reflecting our rigorous and innovative research design and implementation.

Our research reports further draw on various sources and references, such as literature review, fieldwork, interviews, surveys, statistics, archives and so on, reflecting our rich and reliable data collection and analysis.

You can read our research reports here, appreciate our professional findings and recommendations, or click on each report to see more summary and information, to download the full text or share with others.

You can also contact us, provide us with your feedback and suggestions, or join our research projects and activities. We look forward to sharing our research reports with you, and also look forward to collaborating with you in thematic research. Please enjoy our thematic research page!