
欢迎来到 我们 的 创新专利 页,这里你可以看到我们近年来申请的各种 专利,包括发明专利、实用新型专利和外观专利,并涉及到产品设计、工业设计、研究方法设计等多个领域,展示了我们的创新思维和专业技能。无论你是想了解我的专利成果,还是想学习我的专利经验,这里都能为你提供有用的信息和参考。

Welcome to our innovation patent (创新专利) page, where you can see various patents we have applied for in recent years, including invention patents, utility model patents and appearance patents, and involve product design, industrial design, research method design and other fields , showcasing our innovative thinking and expertise. Whether you want to know about my patent achievements or learn from my patent experience, here can provide you with useful information and references.

Welcome to our innovation patent page, where you can see various patents we have applied for in recent years, including invention patents, utility model patents and appearance patents, and involve product design, industrial design, research method design and other fields , showcasing our innovative thinking and expertise. Whether you want to know about my patent achievements or learn from my patent experience, here can provide you with useful information and references.

Welcome to our innovation patent page, where you can see various patents we have applied for in recent years, including invention patents, utility model patents and appearance patents, and involve product design, industrial design, research method design and other fields , showcasing our innovative thinking and expertise. Whether you want to know about my patent achievements or learn from my patent experience, here can provide you with useful information and references.