写于 2022-07-18 [SCITIP 中英国际构思大赛 ]
BICC Sino-British International Creative Competition is an international art and design competition sponsored by the Turner Museum of Contemporary Art in the UK and the Overseas Chinese Artists Association in the UK, and undertaken by the China Overseas Exchange Association (China) and the University of Dundee (UK). It is an international competition recognized by the European Design Association BEDA. The competition aims to en
courage and support the thinking development of Chinese and British art majors, artists and designers, and provide a platform for Chinese and British artists and designers to communicate and create. A total of 49,774 people signed up for this competition and submitted a total of 66,543 works, covering multiple categories such as conceptual design, visual design, industrial design, space design, and artistic creation. After two rounds of evaluation, various awards such as Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award and Excellence Award were finally selected.
BICC Sino-British International Creative Competition is an international art and design competition sponsored by the Turner Museum of Contemporary Art in the UK and the Overseas Chinese Artists Association in the UK, and undertaken by the China Overseas Exchange Association (China) and the University of Dundee (UK). It is an international competition recognized by the European Design Association BEDA. The competition aims to encourage and support the thinking development of Chinese and British art majors, artists and designers, and provide a platform for Chinese and British artists and designers to communicate and create. A total of 49,774 people signed up for this competition and submitted a total of 66,543 works, covering multiple categories such as conceptual design, visual design, industrial design, space design, and artistic creation. After two rounds of evaluation, various awards such as Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award and Excellence Award were finally selected.
Britain International Creative Competition
2022 年 7 月 18 日,BICC 中英国际构思大赛公布了本届的获奖名单。我们的作品《环境更新——广州黄埔少年宫改造规划方法》、《兰博基尼轿车展示中心建筑规划计划》、《根据收纳智慧开发下的可移动展示道具规划》、《红砖马赛克材料研发规划》、《广东省农业科学院环境研讨所改造规划》、《叙事空间再开发——华南农业大学五山宿舍楼建筑装饰规划》,以上作品都获得了铜奖,这是我们的荣誉和骄傲。
BICC 中英国际构思大赛是由英国透纳当代美术馆、英国华侨华人美术家协会主办,我国海外交流协会(我国)、邓迪大学(英国)承办的一项国际性艺术规划类赛事,它是欧洲规划协会 BEDA 所认可的国际赛事。该赛事旨在鼓舞和支撑中英两国艺术专业大学生、艺术家和规划师的思想开展,为中英两国艺术家、规划师供应一个交流和发明开展途径。本届赛事共有 49774 人报名参加,共提交 66543 件作品,涵盖了概念规划、视觉规划、工业规划、空间规划和艺术发明等多个类别。通过两轮评定,终究评选出金奖、银奖、铜奖和优异奖等各类奖项。
我们感谢 BICC 中英国际构思大赛给我们供应了这样一个展示自己才调和学习交流的时机,让我们可以与来自不同国家和地区的优异艺术家和规划师互相学习和参议。我们也感谢我们的教师和同学们对我们的辅导和支撑,让我们可以结束这些作品。我们将继续尽力,不断进步自己的水平,为艺术和规划事业做出更多奉献。