
发布于 2023-07-03 [SCITIP 中国艺术设计年鉴 ]

There has always been a conflict that has attracted much attention between the protection of urban characteristic culture and the development and transformation of modernization. How to extract the architectural context in the context of urban heritage and retain them in urban development and transformation to ensure the continuation of urban characteristic culture is a very important issue. Taking the Lisboa Hotel in Macau as an example, this paper makes an in-depth analysis and summary of the architectural context formed by its historical culture, architectural form, decorative elements and folk culture.

As a representative building of the integration of Chinese and Portuguese cultures in Macau, the architectural context of Hotel Lisboa embodies the essence of Macau’s urban characteristic culture. By studying Lisboa Hotel, we can provide valuable reference and basis for the development of Macao’s urban cultural architecture. In addition, this study also has an enlightening effect on the exploration of related architectural contexts, and provides a useful method reference for research in similar fields.

This study not only provides us with important insights into the cultural significance and historical background of the Lisboa Hotel in Macau, but also provides a useful reference for us to discuss how to protect and inherit the city’s cha

评审专家组公布了 168 项年度奖项,其中专业组获得 45 项金、银、铜奖,学生组获得 95 项金、银、铜奖,理论研究卷获得 19 项一、二、三等奖,还有 9 位优秀指导教师获奖。



《中国艺术设计年鉴》(2022-2023)艺术文献奖揭晓, 团队荣获一等奖
《中国艺术设计年鉴》(2022-2023)艺术文献奖揭晓, 团队荣获一等奖
《中国艺术设计年鉴》(2022-2023)艺术文献奖揭晓, 团队荣获一等奖
《中国艺术设计年鉴》(2022-2023)艺术文献奖揭晓, 团队荣获一等奖
《中国艺术设计年鉴》(2022-2023)艺术文献奖揭晓, 团队荣获一等奖


郑亮和陈以乐合作撰写的论文题为《澳门遗产的语境研究——以澳门葡京酒店为例》,在《中国艺术设计年鉴》的理论研究卷中荣获了 一等奖。他们的研究引人入胜地探索了澳门葡京酒店作为一项重要遗产的背景和语境。通过详细的调查和分析,他们揭示了澳门葡京酒店的历史背景、文化价值和建筑特色,并深入探讨了其在澳门遗产保护与传承中的重要作用。





