摘要: 顺利楼是澳门最先采用预制件装嵌式建筑技术的建筑群,由于建造时间早,楼宇已逐渐出现设施老化与不足、环境卫生状况不佳、消防安全隐患突出等问题。与此同时,在经济迅速发展下,人民对生活品质需求的不断提高,城市更新需要回应人民的需求,满足人民对美好生活品质的向往。以澳门祐汉新邨的顺利楼为例,基于空间句法定量分析该旧民居楼宇平面空间形态的空间组构规律,以 Space Syntax(空间句法)凸空间的 9 项指标、视域分析的 5 项指标及人流模拟对旧民居楼宇中的各个空间进行量化,并对该楼宇的平面优化提出建议,分析过程及优化建议适用于相同类型的楼宇中,为政府及企业的城市更新工作提供参考。[SCITIP 澳门旧区 ]
DOI: CNKI:SUN:SDZX.0.2023-02-005
CITE: 郑亮, 陈以乐 & 谭凯欣.(2023). 基于 Space Syntax 的预制件装嵌式建筑平面形态研究——以澳门旧区顺利楼为例. 顺德职业技术学院学报 (02),27-34. doi:CNKI:SUN:SDZX.0.2023-02-005.
Shunli Building is the first building complex in Macau to adopt prefabricated building technology. Due to its early construction, the building has gradually encountered problems such as aging and insufficient facilities, poor environmental sanitation, and promi
nent fire safety hazards. At the same time, under the rapid economic development, the people’s demand for quality of life is constantly improving, and urban renewal needs to respond to the needs of the people and satisfy the people’s yearning for a better quality of life. Taking the Shunli Building in Iao Hon New
Village, Macau as an example, based on the space syntax, the spatial structure of the planar space form of the old residential building is quantitatively analyzed, using the 9 indicators of the convex space of the Space Syntax (Space Syntax) and the 5 items of the visual do
main analysis. The indicators and the simulation of people flow quantify each space in the old residential building, and make suggestions for the plane optimi
zation of the building. The analysis process and optimiza
tion suggestions are applicable to the same type of building, and provide reference for the urban renewal work of the government and enterprises.