CHEMO集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio


▼项目概览,Overall view©José Hevia

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio

The pharmaceutical Chemo Group expands its facilities with a gym located on the ground floor of the same building, located in the Sanchinarro neighborhood of Madrid. Giving continuity to the philosophy of an open and healthy company, it offers its employees the chance to exercise and take care of their health. For the location of such a space, the company has a 450 m2 premises next to the entrance. It is an open space organized by a series of pillars on the façade and four concrete girders supported by two sets of split pillars that absorb two girders with a single support each.

▼轴测分析图,exploded axonometry ©Jorge Vidal Studio

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio



The project unfolds as a set of artifacts capable of generating activity within an enclosure. Each of these gadgets has its own autonomy and develops its own potential. They are like a series of pieces of furniture, adaptable and perfectible, arranged in a container to build content.

The objects that organize the space are: a reception for access control, a locker room with an area for physical activities above it, and a canteen with a dining room where healthy meals or fruit drinks are prepared.

▼控制进出的前台,The reception for access control ©José Hevia

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio

▼从前台看向用餐区,View from the reception to the dining area ©José Hevia

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio

▼食堂,Canteen©José Hevia

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio

▼厨房内部,Details of the kitchen©José Hevia

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio

▼用餐区,Dinning area©José Hevia

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio

▼健身活动区,Physical activities area©José Hevia

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio

▼健身活动区细节,Details of physical activities area©José Hevia

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio

▼位于健身活动区上方的更衣室,The locker room©José Hevia

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio


The different facilities are developed around the enclosure, adapting to the needs and the existing structure. We build a project where the elements we have have a specific life and are projected for a specific activity. The interior environment is defined by the useful capacity of the things that we have introduced into the space. Things that build spatial narratives around us.

▼空间结构细节,Details of spatial structure © José Hevia

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio

▼混凝土结构,Details of concrete structure© José Hevia

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio

▼项目模型,Model©José Hevia

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan© Jorge Vidal Studio

CHEMO 集团健身房,西班牙 / Jorge Vidal Studio

Location: Madrid, Spain
Status: built 2016
Program: 325 sqm
Client: Chemo Group
Structure: Axiom
Facilities and sustainability: Axiom
Builder: José Prieto
Photography: José Hevia

More:Jorge Vidal,更多请至:Jorge Vidalon gooood
