传统岭南村落历史文化遗产的保护与更新探究——珠海市 翠微村

摘要: 改革开放以来, 珠海市稳步推进旧厂房、城镇与村庄的改造工作, 推动了城市更新, 进而实现经济发展与产业升级。城市村庄是传承文化的重要载体, 是极具地域特色的聚落空间珠海市翠微村如今已是典型的城中村, 该村落具有悠久的历史和繁荣的商业背景, 布局形态呈现出自然式的形态特征。本文对翠微村现状进行分析探讨, 并结合实地调研, 分析历史街区所面临的问题。结果表明: 翠微村存在大量的违章建筑, 祠堂、庙宇已经破旧不堪, 村场内部自然环境恶劣, 下雨天积水易引发洪涝灾害。文章运用定性理论分析法, 从村落保护策略、历史资源的有效利用等方面提出建议。使翠微古村街巷空间恢复生机、街巷、历史建筑得到重塑、保护与活化。实现村落的健康发展, 生态环境的有机更新, 为政策制定提供可行性的参考。从而为整个前山片区经济的发展, 传统村落中历史街巷在保护、发展和有机更新上做出贡献。[SCITIP 翠微村 ]

DOI: 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018367

CITE: 陈以乐, 陈俊璋. 传统岭南村落历史文化遗产的保护与更新探究——以珠海市翠微村为例 [A]. 北京中外视觉艺术院、成都蓉城美术馆、中国创意同盟网. 中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021 论文集 [C].: 成都蓉城美术馆,2022:8.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018367.

Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, Zhuhai City has steadily promoted the transformation of old factories, towns and villages, promoted urban renewal, and achieved economic development and industrial upgrading. The urban village is an important carrier of cultural inheritance and a settlement space with great regional characteristics. Cuiwei Village in Zhuhai City is now a typical urban village. The village has a long history and a prosperous commercial background, and its layout presents natural morphological characteristics. . This paper analyzes and discusses the current situation of Cuiwei Village, and combines field research to analyze the problems faced

by the historical district. The results show that there are a large number of illegal buildings in Cuiwei Village, the ancestral halls and temples are dilapidated, the natural environment inside the village

is harsh, and the accumulation of water in rainy days can easily cause floods. This article uses the method of qualitative theoretical analysis to put forward suggestions from the as

pects of village protection strategies and the effective use of historical resources. The streets and alleys of Cuiwei Ancient Village are restored to life, and the streets and alleys and historical buildings are reshaped, protected and revitalized. Realize the healthy development of the village and the organic renewal of the

cological environment, and provide a feasible reference for policy formulation. So as to contribute to the economic development of the entire Qianshan area and the pr

otection, development and organic renewal of the historical streets and alleys in traditional villages.
