广府传统村落37个历史建筑保护与分析探究——珠海 翠微村

摘要: 伴随着我国经济的快速发展, 城市化进程逐渐加快, 存在着大量的传统村落空间被荒废和压缩的现象, 使得古村落原有格局发生了较大变化。翠微村是珠海典型的岭南广府传统村落演变成城中村的实例, 经历了多次空间格局的变化过程。首先, 对村落外部交通流量关联性进行分析, 后采用定性调查的方法对翠微村内历史建筑类型进行详细调研和剖析, 并着重探究历史建筑对人的空间感受的影响结果, 提出了规划建议, 为后续广府传统村落建筑遗产保护提供参考借鉴。[SCITIP 翠微村 ]

DOI: 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018400

CITE: 陈俊璋, 陈以乐, 郑亮. 广府传统村落 37 个历史建筑保护与分析探究——以珠海翠微村为例 [A]. 北京中外视觉艺术院、成都蓉城美术馆、中国创意同盟网. 中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021 论文集 [C].: 成都蓉城美术馆,2022:8.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018400.

翠微村 Abstract: With the rapid d

evelopment of my country’s economy and the gradual acceleration of urbanization, a large number of traditional village spaces have been abandoned and compressed, which has greatly changed the original pattern of ancient villages. Cuiwei Vill

ge is an example of Zhuhai’s typical Lingnan Guangfu traditional village evolving into an urban village, and has experienced many changes in spatial pattern. Firstly, the correlation of traffic flow outside the village is analyzed, and then the types of historical buildings in Cuiwei Village are investigated and analyzed in detail by qualitative investigation methods, and the impact of historical buildings on people’s spatial experience is focused on, and planning suggestions are put forward. It provides a reference for the follow-up protection of traditional village architectural heritage in Cantonese. Abstract: With the rapid development of my country’s economy and the gradual acceleration of urbanization, a large number

of traditional village spaces have been abandoned and compressed, which has greatly changed the original pattern of ancient villages. Cuiwei Village is an example of Zhuhai’s typica

l Lingnan Guangfu traditional village evolving into an urban village, and has experienced many changes in spatial pattern. Firstly, the correlation of traffic flow outside the village is analyzed, and then the types of historical buildings in Cuiwei Village are investigated and analyzed in detail by qualitative investigation methods, and the impact of historical buildings on people’s spatial experience is focused on, and planning suggestions are put forward. It provides a reference for the follow-up protection of traditional village architectural heritage in Cantonese. [SCITIP 翠微村]
