传统 村落 改造与 更新 方式探究——以翠微历史街区为例

摘要: 随着科技的飞速发展, 改革开放以来, 城市化建设的速度不断加快, 珠海市稳步推进旧厂房、旧城镇和旧村庄的改造工作, 进而推动了城市更新的进程, 实现了城市的经济腾飞, 促进了产业的转型升级, 并改善了人民的生活水平。本研究以前山翠微历史街区为例, 对村落改造与更新及未来的发展给出相对应的政策建议。[SCITIP 村落更新 ]

DOI: 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018394

CITE: 陈俊璋, 陈以乐, 郑亮. 传统村落改造与更新方式探究——以翠微历史街区为例 [A]. 北京中外视觉艺术院、成都蓉城美术馆、中国创意同盟网. 中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021 论文集 [C].: 成都蓉城美术馆, 2022:8.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018394.

Abstract: With the rapid development of science and technology, since the reform and opening up, the speed of urbanization has been accelerating. Zhuhai City has steadily promo

ted the transformation of old factories, old towns and old villages, thereby promoting the process of urban renewal and realizing the city’s economic development. Take off, promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry, and improve the living standards of the people. In this study, Qianshan Cuiwei Historic District is taken as an example, and corresponding policy suggestions are given for the reconstruction and renewal of the village and its future development. [SCITIP 村落更新]

Abstract: With the rapid development of science and technology, sinc

e the reform and opening up, the speed of urbanization has been accelerating. Zhuhai City has steadily promoted the transformation of old factories, old

towns and old villages, thereby promoting the process of urban renewal and realizing the city’s economic development. Take off, promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry, and improve the living standards of the people. In this study, Qianshan Cuiwei Historic District is taken as an example, and corresponding policy suggestions are given for the reconstruction and renewal of the village and its future development. [SCITIP 村落更新]
