葡萄牙传统城市影响下的亚洲海丝港口 城市形态 比较研究

摘要: 本研究旨在引入以机器学习为核心技术的比较城市形态布局的新方法,并探索将 城市形态 分析与机器学习技术相结合的可能性和潜力。在葡萄牙帝国的海外扩张和文化交融影响下,澳门已跃身成为 16 至 17 世纪东方海上重要的国际贸易港,密切联系着葡萄牙在亚洲管治的港口城市。通过城市形态学理论和机器学习相结合,从葡萄牙城市地理信息图中裁剪处理成城市形态的样本,进一步提取港口城市区域的形态特征,建立训练标签作为典型的葡萄牙城市肌理,最后使用 YOLOv4 目标检测算法,将结果与亚洲丝绸之路典型港口城市印度果阿、马来西亚马六甲、中国澳门以及东帝汶帝力进行对比,得到葡萄牙传统城市影响下的亚洲海丝港口城市形态的异同之处,揭示海上贸易与城市形态之间的关联性。[SCITIP 城市形态 ]

URL: 海上絲綢之路國際文化論壇 (culturalheritage.mo)

CITE: 陈以乐,郑亮,郑剑艺,2022。葡萄牙传统城市影响下的亚洲海丝港口城市形态比较研究——以果阿、马六甲、澳门、帝力为例。“海上丝绸之路”国际文化论坛,澳门特別行政区政府社会文化司 & 国家文物局,澳门,2022(11)。

Abstract: This study aims to introduce a new method for comparing urban form layouts with machine learning as the core technology, an

d to explore the possibility and

potential of combining urban form analysis with machine learning techniques. Under the influence of the Portuguese Empire’s overseas expansion and cultura

l integration, Macau has become an important international trading port on the Eastern Sea in the 16th and 17th centuries, closely link

ed to the port cities governed by Portugal in Asia. Through the combination of urban morphology theory and machine learning, cut and process samples of urban morphology from the Portuguese urban geographic information map, further extract the morphological feat

ures of the port city area, establish training labels as typical Portuguese urban textures, and finally use YOLOv4 target detection Algorithm, compare the result

s with Goa, India, Malacca, Malaysia, Macau, China, and Dili, Timor-Leste, the typical port cities on the Asian Silk Road, to get the similarities and differences of the port cities in Asia under the influence of traditional Portuguese cities, revealing the relationship between maritime trade and Correlations between urban forms. [SCITIP 城市形态]


Abstract: This study aims to introduce a new method for compar

ing urban form layouts with machine learning as the core technology, and to explore the possibility and potential of combining urban form analysis with machin

e learning techniques. Under the influence of the Portuguese Empire’s overseas expansion and cultural integration, Macau has become an important in

ternational trading port on the Eastern Sea in the 16th and 17th centuries, closely linked to the

port cities governed by Portugal in Asia. Through the combination of urban morphology theory and machine learning, cut and process samples of urban morphology fr

om the Portuguese urban geographic information map, further extract the morphological features of

the port city area, establish training labels as typica

l Portuguese urban textures, and finally use YOLOv4 target detection Algorithm, compare the results with Goa, India, Malacca, Malaysia,

Macau, China, and Dili, Timor-Leste, the typical port cities on the Asian Silk Road, to get the similarities and differences of the port cities in Asia under th

e influence of traditional Portuguese cities, revealing the relationship between maritime trade and Correlations between urban forms.
