写于 2017-08-18 [SCITIP 东畔村 ]
1. 地理位置
东畔村位于广东省肇庆市 封开县大洲镇 中南部,北接垢塘、东坡,南邻大洲,西接江口镇台垌,东与东坡、白垢镇接壤,东安江及县道西线公路贯穿境内,山青水秀,水陆交通方便,离镇政府 3 公里,辖班皮、上罗田、下罗田等 10 个村民小组。东畔村总面积约 10.88 平方公里,有山地 15470 亩,耕地 1473 亩。
据悉,东畔村建村于清朝乾隆年间(1600 年左右)并迁居至此,东畔村村民在此地生活开始于 20 世纪 50 年代,目前户籍人口总数为 1407 人,其中贫困户人数为 96 人。
2. 区位交通
东畔村地理位置条件偏僻,从肇庆市市区自驾车前往需要 2 - 3 个小时,先沿着 G321 到封开县县城,再从县城沿 X450 前往才能到达东畔村村委所在地。而 X450(450 县道)正是肇庆市封开县县城前往到东畔村村委的唯一一条公路,是一条蜿蜒、坡度大且没有修补完善的公路。
3. 农业生产
目前东畔村可耕作土地约 800 亩左右,人均可耕作土地面积约为 0.5 亩左右,已统筹的可耕作土地比重低于 30%,荒废土地比重在 10%-20% 之间。土地确权率接近 100%,去年已确权,待签发证书。
4. 历史建筑
5. 古树: 百年荔枝树
6. 发展建设中的下罗田村旅游项目
7. 展望
就目前来说,东畔村具有较好的旅游开发潜力,在东畔村 10.88 平方公里的范围内,有河水清澈的东安江,以及与之配套的目前运营中的较为简陋的东畔渡口(可发展为旅游码头),贺江与东安江环绕、穿插于东畔村之中,为其带来了客观的生鲜渔业资源,以及游船旅游项目。而目前的东畔村的旅游业,主要依靠于下罗田村的封开油栗种植示范基地等经济发展项目基础上衍生的农业观光旅游业。
8. 花絮
Unfavorable conditions: In addition to the natural scenery of the village that has attracted the attention of the village committee leaders, villagers and other residents of the village, the lack of attention to other aspects such as ancient houses and trees has led to insufficient protection of a large part of the cultural landscape and historical heritage in the village, so it can be There are not many historical and cultural heritages developed as tourist attractions; the village has no related myths and legends, no related folk festivals and other characteristic folk tourism resources, and at the same time, there are no natural specialties in the village except red fungus, so it can be concluded that the characteristics of the village are scarce; financial constraints The development o
f the tourism industry in the village; the positive attitude of the leaders of the village to the tourism industry has not yet made the leaders of the higher government to take a more positive attitude towards the development of the tourism industry in the village; There is a gap in resources, which has a negative effect on the development of tourism projects. But in any case, I still hope that the development of Dongpan Village will get better and better. The environmental resources of green mountains and green waters are really rare and relaxing environmental resources in a rapidly developing city.