澳门 摆摊设施 与城市公共空间市井文化分析: 澳门半岛历史城区

摘要: 文章基于当前热议的 ” 地摊经济 ” 背景, 通过考察摆摊最为密集的澳门历史城区, 探讨澳门特别行政区 摆摊设施 或临时性建筑的类型, 从澳门摆摊的由来、澳门对小摊贩的城市管理条例、摆摊设施或临时性建筑与城市公共空间的关系等内容来阐述当前澳门摆摊的需求功能与市井文化之间的关系, 并结合澳门摆摊经济的现状, 提出具有可行性的经济复苏措施与建议, 同时提升人们对目前澳门摆摊设施或临时性建筑与城市公共空间活力及文化保护的关注。[SCITIP 摆摊设施 ]

DOI: CNKI:SUN:MEIC.0.2020-06-003

CITE: 陈以乐 & 郑亮.(2020). 澳门摆摊设施与城市公共空间市井文化分析——以澳门半岛历史城区为例.  美与时代 (城市版)(06),1-7. doi:CNKI:SUN:MEIC.0.2020-06-003.

Based on the background of the currently hotly discussed “street stall economy”, this article explores the types of stall facilities or temporary buildings in the Macao Special Administrative Region through the investigation of the most densely populated historical district of Macao, from the origin of Macao stalls, the city of Macao to small vendors Management regulations, stall facilities or the relationship between temporary buildings and urban public space are used to explain the current relationship between the demand function of Macao stalls and market culture, and combined with the current situation of Macao stall economy, a feasible economic strategy is proposed. Recovery measures and suggestions, and at the same time raise people’s attention to the vitality and cultural protection of the current Macao stall facilities or temporary buildings and urban public spaces.
