[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Research on the Intelligent Generation of the Spatial Form of the sland City Historic District Based on Parameterization: TakingMacau Taipa Village as an Example

ABSTRACT: In this paper, Macau Taipa Village, a historical district in an island-type city, is the research focus, and a parametric design-based method for designing historical districts is proposed. First, the shape and distribution of roads in historical districts is studied through on-the-spot investigation and measurement and data are collected on the width, depth, and area of street blocks, average street length and width, street orientation, building width, depth, acreage, and height, and building orientation. Second, the acquired data are transmitted to the Grasshopper parameterization platform, and an intelligently generated program produces calculations. Through multiple iterations and evaluations of genetic algorithms based on the needs of modern urban design and planning constraints, the building density is further reduced, and more landscape areas are added. The parametric model is optimized to gradually generate the urban spatial design that meets contemporary requirements. The research reveals that (1) the grasshopper algorithm’s generated block design inherits the characteristics of the conventional historical block. (2) The historical block where the data were collected on site and the block where Grasshopper is applied should maintain the consistency of the regional context. (3) This method can be applied to the design of new urban areas, and the scope of application can be further adjusted through collaboration and the needs of the owners at a later stage.

KEYWORDS: Island city, historic district, district form, design method, genetic algorithm, urban renewal, Macau

CITE: Yile Chen, Liang Zheng & Lina Yan (2023) Research on the intelligent generation of the spatial form of the Island city historic district based on parameterization: taking Macau Taipa Village as an example, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/13467581.2023.2257274


1. 心得分享

今日分享之论文,是 9 月录用的第 1 篇 SCIE、A&HCI、Scopus 期刊论文,如上期预告所提及,《Research on the Intelligent Generation of the Spatial Form of the Island City Historic District Based on Parameterization: Taking Macau Taipa Village as an Example》(基于参数化的海岛城市历史街区空间形态智能生成研究:以澳门氹仔旧城区为例)一文已在线发表在 Taylor & Francis 旗下的期刊《Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering》(Print ISSN: 1346-7581 Online ISSN: 1347-2852)之中。本篇推文来着重介绍一下。

本人为第一作者,主要构思题目方向、讨论能不能往下做,选址,后续写作部分、翻译、改写、返修改写、投稿。其实投这个期刊也比较偶然,一开始是上 Taylor & Francis 有一个期刊推荐建议,输入摘要匹配出来 10 本,在里面就选了它。后面发现,如果第一作者有中日韩建筑学会会员可以便宜很多版面费,这不巧了吗,正合我意,赶紧翻箱倒柜找出我的会员证😀

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form


07-Jun-2023  第一次投稿(中间没有任何的状态变化,很迷,也不知道送审了没有)

26-Jul-2023 通知返修,两个审稿意见,虽然文字有点多,但基本是小修的程度,缝缝补补,润色一下,又好了,当时邮件通知的是返修给 1 个月时间,但我想快点解决这件事,于是都在赶节点。

07-Aug-2023 返修提交(中间又没有状态变化,很迷)

06-Sep-2023 通知录用

07-Sep-2023 通知签署版权书

09-Sep-2023 网络在线首发已录用版本

2. 简单介绍

这一次是做参数化的 grasshopper 生成设计。我们想构建研究一个参数化程序,可以根据历史街区的特征特点,通过遗传算法之后,可以在新的城区使用,并且这是延续了地域性的历史街区特征的。思来想去,想到了氹仔旧城区。首先这是一个海岛城市的历史街区,以前这里是茫茫大海的沿岸,很多渔民聚集,也营造出独特的街巷,例如围和里。查阅以前的街道名册,其实氹仔现存的最早的那一批街道基本也在旧城区这里了,于是,我们统计了氹仔旧城区的 25 条街道的参数。什么参数?其空间要素由街道、街块和建筑三个部分组成,分别进行详细的数据统计(附录 B)。街道的部分需要统计不同街道的长度和宽度,以便为后续主干道和巷道的推导和生成提供指导。街块的部分包含长度、宽度和面积的数据,这些数据对于规划街区的尺度和布局至关重要。而建筑的部分则包括长度、宽度、高度和占地面积的统计信息,这些数据对于生成建筑物的形态和空间布局具有重要指导意义。通过对这些关键空间要素的提取,能够获得准确的数据,为智能生成过程提供基础。搞掂了这个数据以后,就是参数化的转译、算法的优化。遗传算法通过多次迭代和评估,探索和改进生成的城市空间形态。在遗传算法中,主要控制的参数包括街块的长度与宽度、建筑基底的长度与宽度以及允许生成建筑的最小面积。目标参数则涉及地块中总建筑基底面积和景观面积。通过遗传算法,可以推算出数以万计的控制参数组合,并进行不断的迭代和优化,使其逐渐接近最优的目标参数组合。最后是把编制好的参数化模型应用于澳门新城 A 区的规划和设计中,具体涉及 D1、D2(a) 和 D2(b) 这三个地块。通过生成的方案来验证本研究方法在不同形态地块上的适用性,并检验模型的鲁棒性。这几个地块其实也想了很久,一个是它的区位也类似,用地性质、上位规划效果图的意向接近。但其实这套方法也有另一个可以尝试使用的方向,例如要在历史街区的边缘继续进行扩建,要延续这些街巷特点肌理,这个方法可能会成为一个评估工具了,把数据输入进去看看延续的扩建如何,之类。


1. Introduction

1.1. Research Background

1.2. Literature Review

1.2.1 Research on the spatial form of historic districts

1.2.2 The historical context extends to the new urban design

1.2.3. Parametric and Urban Design

1.3. Problem Statement and Objectives

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Study Area: Taipa Village

2.2 Analysis of the spatial form and street characteristics of Taipa Village

2.2.1 Spatial features of Taipa Village

2.2.2 Road organization

2.2.3 Taipa Spatial Data Statistics

2.3 Construction of the parameterized program

3. Results

3.1. Grasshopper programming result

3.2. Generated process and results

4. Conclusions

Appendix A: Grasshopper environment configuration21

Appendix B: Investigation and statistics of the data of 25 streets in Taipa Village


3. 论文插图

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 1. Study Area: Taipa Village

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 2. Traditional streets and houses in Taipa Village

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 3. Distribution of residential, commercial, public, temple, largo, and land spaces, and surrounding building areas in Taipa Village

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 4. Distribution of building types in Taipa Village

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 5. Group distribution of residential buildings, commercial buildings, public buildings, Largos and landscapes

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 6. Analysis of the overall road network structure of Taipa Village

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 7. Several typical street space types in Taipa Village

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form
[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 8. Street direction and building orientation analysis in Taipa Village

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 9. Analysis of street block face width and depth

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 10. Analysis of street block acreage and depth

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 11. Building face width and depth analysis

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 12. Gross floor area and height analysis

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 13. Research Methods and Process

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 14. Modules and Ideas of Parametric Design

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 15. The process of the intelligent generation of the district space

[JCR]Intelligent Generation ofthe Spatial Form

Figure 16. Multiple designs generated using genetic algorithms
