
Study of Roof Tiles in Lingnan Traditional Buildings and Roof Drainage Technologies

Abstract:Lingnan building is a key part of Chinese classical architectural schools, and the preservation & repair technologies of Lingnan traditional building roofs, which can embody Lingnan characteristics most, are especially important. The roof tiles of Lingnan traditional buildings and roof drainage technologies were taken as the main study objects. Under the background of Lingnan environmental features, effective roof repair technologies were summarized by combining the roof tile forms and texture types, analyzing the relationship between roof tiling form and roof drainage, and supplementing the traditional tile fabrication technologies, etc., expecting to provide a pragmatic reference for the roof repair of Lingnan ancient buildings.



引用格式:Yan, L., & Chen, Y. (2021, May). Study of Roof Tiles in Lingnan Traditional Buildings and Roof Drainage Technologies. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 768, No. 1, p. 012151). IOP Publishing.


1. Introduction

2. Adaptation to Local Climatic Conditions

3. Tile Forms and Fabrication Technologies

3.1. Tile forms

3.2. Fabrication process of traditional tiles

3.2.1. Making a cylindrical mold

3.2.2. Clay scraping

3.2.3. Airing and firing

3.2.4. Splitting of tile mold

3.3. Tile material and texture

3.3.1. Clay tile

3.3.2. Terracotta

3.3.3. Glazed tile

4. Roof Tiling Form and Drainage

4.1. Single-cylinder single-tile roof, and double-cylinder double-tile roof

4.2. Different fabrication methods of roof rafter plate

4.3. Mortar between two tiles is isolated and does not touch the rafters 

5. Conclusion


Figure 1. The size and shape of the old tile. (Painted by the author)

Figure 2. Laying methods of traditional trapezoidal tiles. (Painted by the author)


Figure 3. Schematic diagram of a“singlecylinder with single-tile”roof. (Painted by the author)

Figure 4. Schematic diagram of a“doublecylinder with double-tile”roof. (Painted by the author)


Figure 6. The practice of“double-cylinder with double-tile”and square rafters placed vertically. (Painted by the author)


Figure 7. If the mortar is too full, it is easy to produce capillary water absorption, the rafter will be corroded due to the dampness. (Painted by the author) 


Figure 8. The motor between two tiles is isolated and does not touch the rafter. (Painted by the author)

Figure 9. A thin copper sheet is placed between two tiles on the roof. (Painted by the author)


Figure 10. A bamboo pole is placed between two tiles. (Painted by the author)

Figure 11. The tung oil is added into ordinary mortar formed to fill the bottom. (Painted by the author)
