[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application

Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application of Road Systems in Urban Green Spaces: Taking Jiangnan Gardens as an Example

Abstract: This paper takes the garden road system as the research object and proposes a method of generating paths for classical gardens based on parametric design. Firstly, by studying the distribution characteristics of roads, the data on the curvature, angle, and view area of roads were collected. Secondly, the obtained data were transferred to the parameterized platform, and a method of intelligent generation was used for calculation. Finally, the road system was optimized by the genetic algorithm for better application in modern landscape design. According to the current situation, the road system plan generated by the algorithm inherits the characteristics of classical garden roads. This method can be applied to the courtyard, the community park, the urban park, and other objects. This research not only identifies the characteristics of landscape cultural heritage, but also produces an innovative, intelligent design tool. It provides new methods for the parameterized inheritance and application of traditional landscape heritage. [SCITIP]

DOI:  https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20043158

CITE: Yan, Lina, Yile Chen, Liang Zheng, Yi Zhang, Xiao Liang, and Chun Zhu. 2023. “Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application of Road Systems in Urban Green Spaces: Taking Jiangnan Gardens as an Example” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20, no. 4: 3158. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20043158


1. 心得分享

今日分享之论文,是今个月的第二篇 SCIE,同时也是 SSCI 收录的期刊论文,已在线发表刊登。其实我也不知道为什么会这么巧,都撞在了一起,明明投稿时间就差很多……

言归正传,这篇论文《Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application of Road Systems in Urban Green Spaces: Taking Jiangnan Gardens as an Example》(城市绿地道路系统智能生成方法与可持续应用研究——以江南园林为例)从去年暑假就着手,那时候学位论文开题之后有一段时间了,聚在一起聊聊一步步探索出来的。想起了多年以前,老本行读的还是风景园林。虽然有一段时间没有聚焦园林研究了,但好像重新进入到做园林的研究又想起了好多年前的青春一去不复返。刚开始也投过别的期刊,也被拒了几回,现在发表出来算是尘埃落定了。投外刊,虽然说有些专题组织是中国学者,但我经常被分配到的处理稿件的助理编辑、审稿人都跟我不在一个时区,他们返回了意见,我这边系统就收到了,常常是半夜刚要入睡就弹起打开电脑要修改,返修的时间很短。坚持很不容易,努力付出还是有回报的,值得纪念一下!这篇论文发出来刊登的时候,足足 80 页!这次真的是沾了娜娜的光,大家可以多多阅读,支持支持我们娜娜🙏🙏🙏

[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application


2. 简单讲讲

我们想探索一种智能化设计园林道路的方法技术,并且这个园林道路是有延续继承到古典园林的特征特色的。首先肯定是统计了 9 座江南古典园林中的路、廊、桥的指标(曲率、角度、视域),通过统计的方法捕捉到一些园林道路的特征。其次,用黏菌算法、哈密顿回路结合到统计得到的园路数据,构建一个参数化设计的模型。最后,是分了三个尺度来分析应用,城市公园、社区公园和庭园,同时也有初步的实际工程在应用,进一步检验成效。我只能说,这是带有文化特征的量化分析结合到参数化设计中的一种设计方法的探索。(PS. 发明专利正在申请中,敬请期待。)

文章大纲标题:(包括附录 28 个表格的统计源数据标题)



1.1. Research Background

1.2. Literature Review

1.2.1. Analysis of Design Methods of Sustainable Urban Green Space Landscape

1.2.2. Method and Model Analysis of Road Organization in Jiangnan Classical Gardens

1.2.3. Research Frontier Analysis of the Intelligent Design Method

1.3. Problem Statement and Objectives

2.Materials and Methods

2.1. Method Process

2.2. Analysis of Path Characteristics

2.2.1. Road Types and Characteristics

2.2.2. Path Function and Distribution Characteristics (Spatial Sequence)

2.3. Garden Road Curvature and Viewshed Analysis

2.3.1. Road Analysis Methods

2.3.2. Road Curvature Analysis

2.3.3. Road Angle Analysis

2.3.4. Degree Analysis of Garden Road System Viewsheds

3.Parametric Construction and Generation Process of a Garden Road System

3.1. Algorithms and Generation Process

3.2. Generation Process

3.3. Effectiveness Assessment

4.Discussion and Results: Application Effectiveness


Author Contributions


Institutional Review Board Statement

Informed Consent Statement

Data Availability Statement

Conflicts of Interest

Appendix A

Appendix B

Table A1 ~ A28


3. 文章插图

[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 1. Method flow diagram.
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 2. Typical representative images of Jiangnan gardens. (Image source: photographed and annotated by the author).
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 3. Types of roads in Jiangnan classical gardens: (a) garden path; (b) corridor; and (c) bridge.(Image source: photographed by the author.)
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 4. Floor plan of the central part of the Lingering Garden.
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 5. Road curvature analysis map of nine typical gardens.
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 6. Nine typical garden road system angle analysis diagrams.
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 7. Road viewshed area analysis.
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 8. Average angle and average viewing area of road systems in nine Jiangnan classical gardens.
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 9. The Humble Administrator’s Garden: overlay map of unilateral length and viewshed area of road turns.
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 10. The Retreat and Reflection Garden: overlay map of unilateral length and viewshed area of garden road turns.
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 11. The dimensions of landscape characteristics of Jiangnan classical gardens.
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 12. Design method and process (4) For the embodiment of the historical dimension of Jiangnan classical gardens, the genetic algorithm method is mainly used in parametric design. 
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 13. Parametric design steps and procedures.
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 14. Comparison of original road and parametrically generated road in the Retreat and Reflection Garden.
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 15. The original path and its angle and curvature.
Figure 16. The path generated by parameterization and its angle and curvature.
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 17. The superimposed comparison diagram of the length of one side of the road and the viewing area of the original garden path.
Figure 18. The comparison chart of the superposition of the length of one side of the road and the area of the viewshed generated by parameterization.
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 19. Parametric application effect
[JCR] Intelligent Generation Method and Sustainable Application
Figure 20. Application of intelligent road generation in urban green space. (Image source: photographed and annotated by the author.)