[核心] 基于人文关怀视角的 事件建筑 设计研究——以“圆屋”为例

摘要: 随着城市“绅士化”的提高,低收入人群在城市中的住房问题已成为社会关切的问题,北京“井底人”蜗居事件反映了低收入人群在大城市的生活窘境,建筑师如何通过建筑设计回应社会问题是学者特别关注的问题。文章以蜗居事件为原型,以“圆屋”为例的事件建筑为低收入人群发声。在设计中,不仅着重考虑建筑空间形态、布局、秩序、光影等因素,还结合中国传统造物原理与园林建筑结构技术对事件建筑的设计语汇进行扩充,从人文关怀、建筑材料、传统美学、空间体验等四个方面总结具有人文关怀色彩的建筑设计策略。文章可为事件建筑的相关研究提供设计和实践的借鉴。[SCITIP 事件建筑 ]

DOI: 10.16771/j.cn43-1247/ts.2022.07.013

CITE: 汤强, 郑亮, 陈以乐 & 陈俊璋.(2022). 基于人文关怀视角的事件建筑设计研究——以广州紫泥堂艺术小镇“圆屋”为例.  家具与室内装饰 (07),68-73. doi:10.16771/j.cn43-1247/ts.2022.07.013.

With the improvement of urban “gentrification”, the housing problem of low-income people in the city has become a social concern. The response of architectural design to social issues is a special concern of scholars. The article takes the Snail Dwelling incident as the prototype, and the event building with the “Round House” as an example speaks for th

e low-income group. In the design, we not only focus on factors such as architectural space form, layout, order, light and shadow, but also expand the design vocabulary of event architecture in combi

nation with traditional Chinese creation principles and garden architectural structure technology, from humanistic care, building materials, traditional aesthetics, space Experience and other four aspects summarize the architectural design s

ch on event architecture.With the improve

ment of urban “gentrification”, the housing problem of low-income people in the city has become a social concern. The response of architectural design to social issues is a special concern of scholars. The article takes the Snail Dwelling incident as the prototype, and the event building with the “Round House” as an example speaks for the low-income group. In the design, we not only focus on factors such as architectural space form, layout, order, light and shadow
