广府疍民 人文性格的空间转译研究:广州紫泥堂艺术小镇民宿

摘要: 疍民是广府人的一支重要祖先,疍民文化源远流长,拥有 7000 年历史的疍民有着与水共生独特的人文性格。研究以广州紫泥堂艺术小镇民宿“疍居”的建筑设计过程为例,提出顺应自然的生态设计、人文精神融入空间设计、提升人居环境的材料应用等主要设计方式。对疍居民宿建筑设计进行大胆探索与创新,剖析广府人低调务实、能藏能忍、豁达开朗、敢为人先的人文性格特征,通过空间设计进行人文性格的转译,并以此唤起广府特有的疍家文化时代记忆,为建筑空间设计融合地域人文性格设计提供实践经验与方法借鉴。[SCITIP 广府疍民 ]

DOI: CNKI:SUN:SNSJ.0.2023-02-028

CITE: 陈以乐, 汤强, 陈俊璋 & 郑亮.(2023). 广府疍民人文性格的空间转译研究 以广州紫泥堂艺术小镇民宿“疍居”为例.  室内设计与装修 (02),124-126. doi:CNKI:SUN:SNSJ.0.2023-02-028.

The Dan people are an important ancestor of the Cantonese. The culture of the Dan people has a long history. With a history of 7,000 years, the Dan people have a unique humanistic character that coexists with water. Taking the architectural design

process of the homestay “Dan Ju” in Zinitang Art Town, Guangzhou as an example, the study proposes the main design methods such as ecological design in line with nature, integration of humanistic spirit into space design, and application of materials to improve the living environment. Carry out bold exploration and innovation on the architectural design of Danju residential buildings, analyze the humanistic character traits of Cantonese people who are low-key and pragmatic, can hide and endure, open-minded and cheerful, and dare to be the first. The unique memory of the Danjia culture era provides practical experience and method reference for the integration of architectural space design with regional humanistic character designThe Dan people are an important ancestor of the Cantonese. The culture of the Dan people has a long history. With a history of 7,000 years, the Dan people have a unique humanistic character that coexists with water. Taking the architectural design process of the homestay “Dan Ju” in Zinitang Art Town, Guangzhou as an example, the study proposes the main design methods such as ecological design in line with nature, integration of humanistic spirit into space design, and application of materials to improve the living environment.
