澳门 渔翁街天后庙建筑营造及其与在地文化关联

摘要: 通过文献考据、舆图类比及田野调查,梳理 澳门 渔翁街天后庙营造特点,指出其深受中西文化交互影响,在祭祀方式上具有多神共祀特征,在建筑风格上融合了中国传统样式与西方元素,同时作为公共建筑积极参与地方文化传播及民族记忆塑造。渔翁街天后庙不仅是解读澳门妈祖文化与华人移民社会发展关系的重要平台,也是研究澳门海洋文化对传统建筑影响的典型样本。[SCITIP 澳门 ]

DOI: CNKI:SUN:WYDS.0.2023-02-009

CITE: 黄林生, 陈以乐 & 黄子宁.(2023). 澳门渔翁街天后庙建筑营造及其与在地文化关联.  五邑大学学报 (社会科学版)(02),42-46+93. doi:CNKI:SUN:WYDS.0.2023-02-009.

Through literature research, map analogy and field investigation, the construction characteristics of Tin Hau Temple in Yuweng Street in

Macau are sorted out, and it is pointed out that it is deeply influenced by the interaction between Chinese and Western cultures. At the same time, as a public building, it actively participates in the dissemination of local culture and the shaping of national memory. The Tin Hau Temple on Yuweng Street is not only an important platform for interpreting the relationship between Macao Mazu

culture and the development of Chinese immigrant society, but also a typical sample for studying the influence of Macao’s marine culture on

traditional architecture. The Tin Hau Temple on Yuweng Street is not only an important platform for interpreting the relationship between Ma

cao Mazu culture and the development of Chinese immigrant society, but also a typical sample for studying the influence of Macao’s marine culture on traditional architecture. The Tin Hau Temple on Yuweng

Street is not only an important platform for interpreting the relationsh

ip between Macao Mazu culture and the development of Chinese immigrant society, but also a typical sample for studying the influence of Macao’s marine culture on traditional architecture.
