基于 空间句法 理论的公屋平面空间形态研究——以澳门为例

摘要: 改革开放以来, 城市相应国家的号召, 稳步推进旧产房, 城镇与村庄的改造工作, 进而推动了城市更新, 实现城市经济发展, 产业升级与民生改善。公屋有较多的人居住, 往往居住质量较差, 城市更新需要改善房屋居住品质, 为人民服务。因此在规划、建设和改造公屋内部空间时和满足人的基本居住条件的同时, 应将人对环境的直观感受放在第一位, 而不是过度注重形式美。本文以澳门永宁广场大厦为例, 基于空间句法理论, 对永宁广场大厦第一座楼宇内部空间形态进行凸空间分析研究,包括全局整合度、局部整合度(R=3,6)、连接值(Connectivity)、可理解度、控制值(Control)和视觉深度(Mean Depth),分析出整合度、连接值和控制值较高的区域和较低的区域,并对未来平面优化提出的建议,相关的建议同时也适用于永宁广场大厦的二座和三座楼宇,为政府相关部门提供较好的参考价值和借鉴意义。[SCITIP 空间句法 ]

DOI: 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018371

CITE: 陈俊璋, 陈以乐, 郑亮. 基于空间句法理论的公屋平面空间形态研究——以澳门永宁广场大厦为例 [A]. 北京中外视觉艺术院、成都蓉城美术馆、中国创意同盟网. 中国创意设计年鉴·2020-2021 论文集 [C].: 成都蓉城美术馆,2022:6.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.018371.

Since the reform and opening up, the city has responded to the call of the country and steadily promoted the transformation of old delivery houses, t

owns and villages, thereby promoting urban renewal, realizing urban economic development, industrial upgrading and improvement of people’s livelihood. There are more people living in public housing, and the quality of living is often poor. Urban renewal needs to improve the living quality of housing and serve the people. Therefore, when planning, constructing and renovating the internal space of public housing and satisfying people’s basic living condition

s, people’s intuitive feeling of the environment should be gi

ven priority, rather than paying too much attention to the beauty of form. Taking Yongning Plaza Building in Macau as an example, this paper cond

ucts a convex space analysis on the interior space form of the first building of Yongning Plaza Building based on spac

e syntax theory, including global integration degree, local integration degree (R=3,6), connection value (Connectivity), intelligibility, control value (Control) and


visual depth (Mean Depth), analyze the areas with higher integration, connection value and control value and lower areas, and make suggestions for f

uture plane optimization, related The suggestions are also applicable to the second and third buildings of Yongning Plaza Building, providing goo

d reference value and reference significance for relevant government departments.

Since the reform and opening up, the city has res

ponded to the call of the country and steadily promoted the transformation of old delivery houses, towns and villages, thereby promoting urban ren

ewal, realizing urban economic development, industrial upgrading and improvement of people’s livelihood. There are more people living in public housing, and the quality of living is often poor. Urban renewal needs to improve the living quality of housing and serve the people. Therefore, when planning, constructing and renovating the internal space of public housing and satisfying people’s basic living conditions, people’s intuitive feeling of the environment should be given priority, rather than paying too much attention to th

e beauty of form. Taking Yongning Plaza Building in Macau as an example, this paper conducts a convex space analysis on the interior space form of th

e first building of Yongning Plaza Building based on space syntax theory, including global integration degree, local integration

degree (R=3,6), connection value (Connectivity), intelligibility, control value (Control) and visual depth (Mean Depth), analyze the areas with higher integ

ration, connection value and contro

l value and lower areas, and make suggestions for future plane optimization, related The suggestions are also appl

icable to the second and third build

ings of Yongning Plaza Building, providing good reference value and reference significance for relevant government departments.
