二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画


Kishinen Garden is a Japanese stroll garden located in the center of Futakotamagawa Park. In 2010, the Setagaya government formulated the general planning guidelines for the Futakotamagawa Park, and positioned Kishinen Garden as a leisure area. The Kishinen Garden has been planned and designed in stages since 2011, and was opened in April 2013 together with some parts of Futakotamagawa Park.

▼眺望水池,Overlooking the pool © 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画


The Futakotamagawa area in Setagaya Ward, where Kishinen Garden is located, is a rare area in Tokyo with a large amount of green. Kishinen Garden is located in an excellent location near Kokubunji Cliff Line in the east and Tamagawa River in the west. Considering the overall continuity and unity of the wide area nature (Kokubunji Cliff Line and Tamagawa River), the middle area nature (Futakotamagawa Park) and the narrow area nature (garden), the garden planning was carried out from the three aspects of “citizen welfare”, “environmental symbiosis” and “cultural education”.

▼平缓的流水,Gentle flowing water© 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

▼大水池和石灯笼,Big pool and stone lantern © 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

▼逐段流下的跌水,waterfall dropping down a series of cascades © 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

▼流水和石组,Flowing water and arrangement of stones© 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画


As for the welfare of citizens, the Kishinen Garden adopts barrier-free moving line planning, which is a rare design in Japanese gardens. The unundating terrain is also pleasant. In addition, there are flower beds and water features that can be experienced up close, and the facilities are equipped with full consideration for the sight lines of wheelchair users and children.

▼庭园主景树的大叶栲,Castanopsis sieboldii, the main tree of the garden© 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

▼视线停留点的凉亭,The gazebo where the sight stops© 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画


In the aspect of environmental symbiosis, the choice of tree species, needless to say, in the selection of stone, we also visited every quarry in the Kanto Region. After carefully selecting all the stone materials, the garden was finally built with the atmosphere of Edo (Tokyo).

▼表现出“月”与“掩月之云”的月见台,Observation platform © 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

▼通往园外眺望台的石阶,Stone steps leading to the observation deck outside the garden© 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画


In terms of culture and education, the garden facilities reflecting the traditional technology of Japanese garden, such as cross hedges, are set up throughout the garden. At the same time, the small Fuji (volcano) in the scenery of the park is from the Japanese Ukiyo-e, and the drum prefecture (island) is from the poem collection, which arouses people’s interest in Japanese culture in many ways.

▼迁移修复后的日式建筑,Japanese-style architecture after migration and restoration © 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

▼躏口和广场,Miniature tea room entrance and the square © 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

▼正门,Main entrance © 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

归真园的英文名为“Return to Nature”,即,回归自然。寓意着与世田谷区丰盈的自然共生,希望人们对美丽的日本文化的起源能有所认知。相信今后园内的树木会茁壮成长,在世田谷区的志愿者和游客们的努力下,庭园也会不断发展。随着时间的推移,归真园的历史定会与庭园交织相融。

The English name of Kishinen Garden is “Return to Nature”. It expresses the wish that people can co-exist with the rich nature of Setagaya Ward and learn the beautiful Japanese culture.In the future, the trees will grow and the garden will continue to grow with the efforts of volunteers and visitors. With the passage of time, we look forward to weaving a new chapter in the history of Kishinen Garden.

▼园路,Garden road © 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

▼意向手绘图,concept drawings© 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

▼模型探讨,model© 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

▼平面图,plan© 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

▼剖面图,section© 株式会社户田芳树风景计画

二子玉川公园 – 归真园,东京 / 株式会社户田芳树风景计画


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