在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤



A bosom friend afar brings distant land near. The Oversea album shares the lives of Chinese living abroad with all. The No.121 episode features Sirui Li who graduated from RISD and is now working for EDSA.

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤


Discover and delve into an array of design methods, expanding your horizons by exploring endless possibilities. Embark on a journey of self-discovery, ultimately finding the lifestyle that genuinely resonates with your passions and aspirations.


My most vivid memory is embarking on a skiing adventure during the winter season. Prior to this, I had rarely encountered snow and was unfamiliar with the exhilarating sport of skiing. However, ever since that initial experience, I eagerly anticipate hitting the slopes each and every winter.


Family & Friends.


It is still being evaluated and I hope to have a clearer future plan in 2-3 years.


The concepts of clarity and ambiguity are inherently relative, as are the distinctions between work and learning. Through my educational experience, I have been exposed to diverse design methods that differ from those in my home country. However, working in the United States presents a unique set of challenges, distinct from those encountered in school. Consequently, the most profound realization I’ve had is the importance of maintaining a steadfast attitude. Regardless of the specific design tasks or job responsibilities I undertake, my attitude serves as the bedrock for adapting to various environments.


RISD, a traditional design school, offers a dynamic platform for learning and gaining insights into various fields within art and design.


EDSA is a very big group with different teams that work on projects in different places, so that I can learn about different regions and types of projects.

我喜欢Studio INI和ENESS团队的作品。他们的作品让我对未来的景观有了更多的期待,除了传统的景观设计方法,这种结合艺术,技术,交互,工程等多行业的设计会让景观设计有更多的可能。 这让我会跳出原有的框架,去了解更多的领域。

I admire the works of Studio INI and the ENESS team. Their creations have given me higher expectations for the future of landscape design. In addition to traditional landscape design methods, their approach combines art, technology, interaction, and engineering from various industries, opening up more possibilities for landscape design. This has inspired me to break out of my original framework and explore more fields.


Looking at my portfolio now, there are still many areas for improvement, but its greatest feature is its diversity. I have always tried to guide my design direction using various methodologies. Some are based on technical analysis, while others are more artistically abstract. The themes, types, and representations in my work are diverse.


Probably since 2013,the website has consistently showcased high-quality design projects from around the world. I hope it continues to grow and improve over time.



Post-industry Brownfield Renewal System:
Precision Strategies and Techonogies Via The New Methodology

Type: Master Thesis
Advisor: Nick De Pace
Individual work

▼棕地概念插画,Brownfield Illustration, Illustrator – Sirui Li

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤


Since the post-industrial era, brownfields have become a significant pollution issue. Landscape architecture, as a discipline directly addressing such problems, faces complex scientific questions on how to manage the intricate relationships between the environment and living organisms and how to restore ecosystems. In this project, I aim to create a system for landscape designers and other related professionals to tackle brownfield issues through GIS big data analysis. Ultimately, the goal is to develop a platform based on research findings that enables users to find the most suitable brownfield remediation strategies and techniques for their needs.

▼工作路径,Thesis Working Path

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

▼美国各地主要产业分布图, 通过这张mapping分析,可以发现美国主要的制造业都集中在五大湖区域,这也是美国最大的铁锈带产生的原因。Through this mapping analysis, it can be observed that the main manufacturing hubs are concentrated in the Great Lakes region. This is also the primary reason for the emergence of the largest rust belt in the United States.

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▼美国铁锈带分布图,U.S. Rust Belt Mapping

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▼美国铁锈带生产时间线,American Rust-belt History Timeline

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在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

▼ 实验地的选择,选中传统工业制造,开采,和交通的枢纽匹兹堡所在的Allegheny区域,The experiment site, the traditional industrial manufacturing, mining, and transportation hub of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County

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▼方法学-1:如何分类数据,Methodology-1:How to classify data?

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▼方法学-2:如何分析数据,Methodology-2:How to evaluate data?

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▼方法学-3:运行数据,寻找研究案例,Methodology-3: Run data and find Case studies

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▼修复策略部分,Selected recovery strategie

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▼修复技术总结,Recovery technologies conclusions

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▼系统工作路径,System Working Path

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▼最终选择了一个钢铁厂来检验这套系统,并指导棕地的改造和景观的设计,A steel mill was ultimately chosen to test the system and to guide the renovation of the brownfield site and the design of the landscape

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

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▼基于研究成果,设计的软件即服务交互,Based on research, SAAS Design

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在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤


Post-industry Brownfield Renewal System:
Precision Strategies and Techonogies Via The New Methodology

Type: Individual Work
Advisor: Emily Vogler
Location: East Providence, RI

快速的城市扩张带来了对生态环境持续的污染,但经历了工业化和城市化后,生态系统并不能恢复。所以此项目以East Providence 一块开发后废地为基地,通过重新寻找原有的生态系统,生物群落,将他们重新迎回此地。最后重建能够契合当地的多样化和有韧性的生态系统。

▼普罗维登斯自然系统的消失,Movement of Natural Systems in Providence

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

▼场地分析,Site Analysis

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▼生态触发点,Ecological Community Trigger

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During the field survey, interesting ecological relationships were discovered. Animals and plants have formed a unique interdependent relationship at the boundary between water and land.

▼区域内自然生态群落分析,Analysis of Natural Ecological Communities within the Region

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤


Searching for existing natural community systems within the entire region and selecting those that can be rebuilt.

▼提炼可以重建的生态系统和自然群落的特点,Extracting the characteristics of ecosystems and natural communities

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▼场地基本元素重建, Site Base Conditions Reconstruction

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Phase-1: 重新构建生态系统框架

How to reintroduce natural communities to the site:
Phase 1: Reconstructing the framework of the ecosystem.
Phase 2: Deepening the reconstruction of secondary ecosystems.
Phase 3: Refining the natural communities within their respective ecosystems.

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在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤


Ultimately, upon determining the distribution of natural communities within various ecosystems, a new landscape design was constructed. The goal of this project’s landscape design is to amplify the unique characteristics of each ecosystem, allowing visitors to experience the distinct features of different ecosystems, secondary systems, and natural communities. It aims to identify transition areas between different systems or natural communities and employ landscape design techniques to highlight them.

▼景观平面图, Master Plan

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

▼景观点设计(过渡区), Landscape Point Design In Transition Phases

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在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤


Breathing Again: Treating Baltimore Lung

Type: Individual Work
Advisor: Suzanne Mathew
Location: Baltimore, MD

巴尔的摩作为美国历史最悠久的几个城市之一,在历史的发展中扮演了十分重要的作用。然而,经过了多年的发展,特别是二战以后,工业和制造业的转移,巴尔的摩市不可避免的开始了衰败的趋势。伴随而来的经济衰退也带来了一系列社会和环境问题,其中包括暴力,犯罪,失业,vacant land和building等等。该项目希望以整个城市为尺度,运用景观设计师的工具和方法,去解决以vacant land and buildings为核心的一系列问题,使巴尔的摩重找到新的发展方向。而在城市的核心区域,以I-83 interstate highway, railroad system and jones falls river等不同系统交织的区域,使用新的策略,打破他们内部以及他们与城市之间的barriers 界限,创造一个更好的环境。

As one of the most historical cities in the United States, Baltimore had once witnessed rapid economic growth and peripheral urban expansion. However, amidst the backdrop of de-industrialization, urban decay and recession led to a series of social problems such as high unemployment and crime rate. Consequently, the loss of population left a large amount of derelict land from abandoned industrial sites and buildings across the city. In addition, the JFX (I-83) highway and railroad systems created a large area of disused grey space.

This project aims to revitalize Baltimore from a landscape architecture perspective by addressing the vacancy dilemma to promote urban growth. We first categorize the main re-development region into three types of districts – educational center, commercial center, and JFX railroad system complex region. By retrofitting disused vacancies in each district with community service facilities and green spaces, this proposal expects to establish a new economic model of urban growth, promote public well-being, and create a sustainable and livable urban environment in Baltimore city.


在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

巴尔的摩市已经经历了长时间停滞时间,这个曾经坐落在独特而重要的地理位置的繁华都市,随着他工业地位的下降,城市的经济也遭受了重大阻碍。没有了制造业订单,工人也失去了工作机会,随之而来的是更为严重的社会问题。巴尔的摩市的犯罪率一直都排在美国所以城市的前列。然而滋生这一系列问题的根源,还是经济的停滞。曾经大量的住房,厂房产生了vacant land and buildings,巧合的是这些区域又恰恰是各种治安问题最大的地方。

同时,时任总统Dwight David Eisenhower 在1956年颁布了对美国产生了重大影响的《 Federal Aid Highway Act 》,而此法案在巴尔的摩产生了I-83 interstate highway,它与current railroad, Jones falls river仿佛将这个城市一分为二,而在这条带上,形成了最大的vacant land,各系统之间相互缺少联系,同时又阻隔了城市之间的联系。就像人的肺一样,分为了两块,中间的呼吸道仿佛连接了他们,又仿佛分割了他们。

Industrialization is responsible for urban sprawl in Baltimore city, which involves the construction of many housing properties. With the economic setback and the decline of manufacturing jobs in Baltimore, a number of serious social problems such as high unemployment and crime rate, lack of cohesion of local communities, progressive deterioration of urban ecosystems led the population in the city to continue to plummet. The resulting surplus of the abandoned residential apartment complex and former industrial factories is both a demonstration of population and job losses and an issue itself.

Around the same time, President Dwight David Eisenhower endorsed the Federal-Aid Highway Act in 1956, which laid the foundation of the I-83 interstate highway. I-83 and the existing railroad Jones Fall River created an accessible and express transportation system. However, it is also responsible for the formation of the largest vacant region in the city. Baltimore city is like the human lungs, connected by but also divided by the middle respiratory tract – the railroad system and JFX region.

▼健康的城市基础设施健康,Healthy urban infrastructure

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤


Due to economic constraints, the city of Baltimore has experienced a prolonged period without infrastructure updates, particularly in areas near I-83, causing a division between the eastern and western regions.

▼巴尔的摩空地和空房,Vacant land and properties in Baltimore

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

▼巴尔的摩之肺,Diagnosis of Baltimore Lung

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将巴尔的摩的城市形态想象成为一个人体肺部器官,JFX,Jones falls river and railroad像是肺部的呼吸道,是各个系统和外界沟通的管道,城市空地和空房就像是肺部的病毒一样,阻碍呼吸。

Baltimore city is analogous to the human lungs, where JFX, Jones Falls river, and railroad systems are like the tract connects respiratory systems. Urban vacancy, on the other hand, is like viruses that caused respiratory distress that hinders breathing.

▼治疗方案策略,Framework strategy partti

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The landscape architectural intervention is used to treat vacancy virus and help Baltimore to breathe again; it involves the conversion of vacancy to healthy and productive facilities in the re-arrange districts.

▼肺泡细胞和神经元的语义 & 整合案例,Semantic & integration case of alveolar cells and neurons

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤


Whether in communities or public spaces, a considerable amount of unused land and building can be repurposed and have its role transformed to serve as the fundamental cells and neurons activating the entire city, gradually eliminating the gray spaces that exist within the urban area.

▼ 重构JFX区域的动力模型,Reconstruction of Engine Model in JFX Region

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤


This studio encourages thinking about and presenting design in an abstract way, deconstructing complex existing systems to find new operational models, and seeking innovative methods to reactivate the area.

▼ 重构区域愿景,Renderings

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤


New Role Research of Irrigation System in Tuo River Region

Type: Individual Work
Advisor: Emily Vogler
Location: Sichuan,China


Rivers are the origin of civilization development, with virtually all civilizations and cities being built alongside them. Therefore, this is a studio focused on the study of river systems. I chose the Tuo River as the entry point to deeply analyze its different stages of function. Simultaneously, I selected the plain area as the primary research region. Through years of development, the Chengdu plain has formed a complex irrigation system of ditches and canals. Their relationship with the Tuo River and how to find their future ecological, economic, and functional positioning are the main objectives of this project.


在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

▼沱江河全流域地形分析,Tuo River Basin Topographical Analysis

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

▼平原地带的问题和关系,River Phase Analysis – Background and Relationships in the Plain Area

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▼ 灌溉系统和城市发展关系,The Relationship between Irrigation Systems and Urban Development

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

▼ 沱江对成都平原灌溉系统的贡献,The Contribution of the Tuo River to the Irrigation System of the Chengdu Plain

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▼代表性区域分析,Analysis of Representative Area

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▼未来解决策略,Future Solution Strategy Partii Mapping

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▼未来沱江系统剖面概念,Future Elevation Concept in Tuo River System

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About Planting Design Book

Type: Individual Work


Plant design is one of the most important skills for landscape architects. I intend to compile a book dedicated to plant design for landscape designers, summarizing the experiences and uses encountered in work, while also enriching some methods of plant design.

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About Drawing & Sketchbook


Despite the advancement of AI technology rendering hand drawing less crucial as a fundamental skill, I still persist in using hand drawing as a mode of expression in my studies and work. I enjoy experimenting with various materials and their drawing techniques.

▼ 水彩蘑菇,Mushroom Watercolor

在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

▼ 水彩插画,Watercolor Illustration

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▼景观手绘效果图,Landscape Hand-drawn Renderings

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▼景观方案草图,Landscape sketches

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在海外专辑第一百二十一期 – 李斯蕤

在海外时间:2018 至今
工作单位:Hoerr Schaudt, EDSA,Inc.(Now)
联系方式:Lithree13@gmail.com (网站): www.threelee.net

When: 2018 to Present
Where: Providence, Chicago, Fort Lauderdale
Name: Sirui Li
Hometown: Sichuan
School: Rhode Island School of Design
Office: Hoerr Schaudt Landscape Architects, EDSA.Inc (Now)
Contact: Lithree13@gmail.com Website: www.threelee.net
