澳门历史建筑 修复措施及防范策略研究

摘要: 本研究旨在探讨 澳门历史建筑 保护修复所需考虑的建筑材料和修复措施。通过对澳门历史建筑常见的损坏原因进行研究和分析,本文提出了污物清除、建筑加固和防水、墙体除盐、白蚁及植物清理等修复措施。这些措施为澳门历史建筑的保护修复提供了重要的参考和指导。在研究中,我们注意到澳门的历史建筑面临着多种损坏因素,如污物积累、结构松动、水侵蚀、墙体盐化、白蚁侵袭和植物生长等。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一系列有效的修复措施。首先,污物清除是修复历史建筑的重要步骤。通过定期清理污物和沉积物,可以保持建筑表面的清洁,并减少其对建筑材料的腐蚀和破坏。其次,建筑加固和防水是确保历史建筑结构稳固和抵御水侵蚀的关键。采用适当的建筑加固方法和防水措施,可以增强建筑的结构强度和耐久性,从而延长其使用寿命。此外,墙体除盐是修复历史建筑中常见的问题之一。通过去除墙体内部的盐分积累,可以减轻盐对墙体结构的腐蚀,保护墙体的完整性。同时,白蚁和植物的清理也是必要的修复措施。定期清除白蚁和植物,可以防止它们对建筑材料和结构造成的损坏,维持建筑的健康状态。本研究的结果对于澳门历史建筑的保护和修复具有重要意义。通过采取适当的材料和修复措施,我们可以确保这些珍贵的历史建筑得到有效的保护,为后代留下宝贵的文化遗产。[SCITIP 澳门历史建筑 ]

DOI: CNKI:SUN:CSZZ.0.2021-09-013

CITE: 陈以乐 & 郑亮.(2021). 澳门历史建筑修复措施及防范策略研究.  城市住宅 (09),52-54. doi:CNKI:SUN:CSZZ.0.2021-09-013.

This study aims to explore the building materials and restoration measures that need to be considered in the protection and restoration of historical buildings in Macao. Through the research and analysis of the common damage causes of historical buildings in Macao, this paper proposes restoration measures such as dirt removal, building reinforcement and waterproofing, wall desalination, termite and plant cleaning. These measures provide important reference and guidance for the protection and restoration of historical buildings in Macao. In our research, we noticed that the historical buildings in Macau are faced with multiple damage factors, such as dirt accumulation, structural looseness, water erosion, wall salinization, termite infestation, and plant growth, etc. To address these issues, we propose a series of effective fixes. First, dirt removal is an important step in the re

storation of historic buildings. By regularly removing dirt and deposits, building surfaces can be kept clean and their corrosion and damage to building materials reduced. Second, building reinforcement and waterproofing are key to ensuring the structural stability of historic buildings and resisting water erosion. With appropriate building reinforcement methods and waterproofing measures, the structural strength and durability of the building can be enhanced, thereby prolonging its service life. In addition, wall desalination is one of the common problems in the restoration of historic buildings. By removing the salt accumulation inside the wall, the corr
