设计目标: 本设计旨在为珠海唐家湾 宝臣唐公祠 设计一座富有历史传承和文化特色的建筑,以展示唐家湾的历史和传统文化。通过合理的空间规划、传统建筑元素的运用和现代设计手法的结合,创造一个与时俱进的宗祠建筑,满足宗族活动和文化传承的需求。
- 文化传承:在设计中充分考虑唐家湾的历史和传统文化,尊重宗祠的功能和意义。通过传统建筑元素的运用和文化符号的呈现,展现唐家湾的独特文化价值和传统精神。
- 空间布局:优化空间布局,创造一个多功能的建筑空间。考虑到宗族活动和仪式的需求,设置宗祠大堂、祭祀区、会议室、展览区和学习区等功能区域,满足不同需求的同时保持流线的合理性。
- 建筑形态:借鉴传统宗祠的建筑形态和比例关系,采用典型的中式建筑风格,如曲尺屋顶、斗拱、檐角等元素。同时,结合现代建筑设计手法,创造出与时俱进的外观形象,展现历史与现代的结合。
- 材料与细节:选择符合传统建筑风格的材料,如琉璃瓦、木材、石材等,以保持建筑的传统氛围。注重细节的处理,包括雕刻、彩绘和装饰等,展现传统工艺和精湛技艺。
- 可持续设计:在设计中考虑可持续发展的原则,如能源效率、自然通风和绿色材料的应用。通过合理的建筑形态和材料选择,减少对环境的影响,创造一个环保和可持续的建筑。
结论: 通过珠海唐家湾宝臣唐公祠的设计,我们将展现唐家湾的历史和传统文化,为宗族活动和文化传承提供一个合适的场所。通过文化传承、空间布局、建筑形态、材料与细节的设计原则的应用,创造一个与时俱进的宗祠建筑,展现珠海唐家湾的独特魅力和文化底蕴。同时,注重可持续设计和文化推广的实施,推动社区的可持续发展和文化的传承。[SCITIP 宝臣唐公祠 ]
DOI: CNKI:SUN:BZGC.0.2023-S1-132
CITE: 郑亮 & 陈以乐.(2023). 珠海唐家湾宝臣唐公祠设计. 包装工程 (S1),706. doi:CNKI:SUN:BZGC.0.2023-S1-132.
Through the design of Baochen Tang Gong Temple in Tangjiawan, Zhuhai, we will show the history and traditional culture of Tangjiawan, and provide a suitable place for clan activities and cultural inheritance. Through the application of design principles of
cultural inheritance, spatial layout, architectural form, materials and details, an ancestral hall building that keeps pace with the times is created, showi
ng the unique charm and cultural heritage of Tangjiawan, Zhuhai. At the same time, it pays attention to the implementation of sustainable design and cultural promotion, and promotes the sustainable development of the community and the inherita
nce of culture.Through the design of Baochen Tang Gong Temple in Tangjiawan, Zhuhai, we will show the history and traditional culture of Tangjiawan, and provid
e a suitable place for clan activities and cultural inheritance. Through the application of design principles of cultural inheritance, spatial layout, architectural form, materials and details, an ancestra
l hall building that keeps pace with the times is created, showing the unique charm and cultural heritage of Tangjiawan, Zhuhai. At the same time, it pays attention to the implement
ation of sustainable design and cultural promotion, and promotes the sustainable development of the community and the inheritance of culture.