岭南传统村落祠堂 建筑装饰 题材研究——以珠海市唐家湾镇为例

摘要: 祠堂是家族共有的建筑,因此在用材的规格、品质和工艺方面更加考究,建筑形制和装饰均具有代表性。该文以珠海唐家湾传统村落为研究对象,通过文献资料梳理和田野考察,分析唐家湾镇祠堂建筑的最常见的祥禽瑞兽、果木花卉、传统纹饰及人文器物 4 大类型装饰题材,归纳总结岭南广府地区祠堂建筑的装饰题材特点,希冀为后续岭南广府地区传统村落风貌的保护规划、建筑修缮等提供参考. [SCITIP 建筑装饰 ]

DOI: CNKI:SUN:ZJIA.0.2023-06-022

CITE: 汪胤祺, 陈以乐 & 郑亮.(2023). 岭南传统村落祠堂建筑装饰题材研究——以珠海市唐家湾镇为例.  中国建筑装饰装修 (06),118-121. doi:CNKI:SUN:ZJIA.0.2023-06-022.

The ancestral hall is a building shared by the family, so the specifications, quality and craftsmanship of the materials used are more sophisticated, and the architectural shape and decoration are representative. This paper takes the traditional village of Ta

ngjiawan, Zhuhai as the research object, and analyzes the four most common decorative themes of ancestral hall buildings in Tangjiawan Town, namely, auspicious birds and animals, fruit trees and flowers, traditional patterns and cultural objects, through literature review and field investigation. Summarize the decorative theme characteristics of ancestral hall buildings in Guangfu area of Lingnan, hoping to provide reference for the follow-up protecti

on planning and architectural repair of traditional villages in Guangfu area of Lingnan.namely, auspicious birds and animals, fruit trees and flowers, traditional p

atterns and cultural objects, through literature review and field investigation. Summarize the decorative theme characteristics of ancestral hall buildings in G

uangfu area of Lingnan, hoping to provide reference for the follow-up protection planning and architectural repair of traditional villages in Guangfu area of Ling

nan.namely, auspicious birds and animals, fruit trees and flowers, traditional patterns and cultural objects, through literature review and field investigation. Summarize the decorative theme characteristics of ancestral hall buildings in Guangfu area of Lingnan,
