基于空间句法的 广府传统街巷 和建筑分析与探究

摘要: 传统的建筑类型包括庙宇、宗祠、公祠和社坛。传统建筑是该地域民间信仰的重要物质载体,能为该区域民间信仰、神话故事、宗教习俗等地方非物质文化,提供较为必要的纪念品与活动场地。本文在实地考察记录的基础上,基于 Depthmap 软件,首先分析出翠微历史街巷主要街道空间句法变数参数值,其次对翠微历史街区三王庙进行中观和微观量化分析,并对三王庙未来更新与改造提出一些参考性建议。[SCITIP 广府传统街巷 ]

DOI: CNKI:SUN:JUSH.0.2022-30-048

CITE: 汪胤祺, 陈俊璋, 陈以乐 & 郑亮.(2022). 基于空间句法的广府传统街巷和建筑分析与探究.  居舍 (30),171-176. doi:CNKI:SUN:JUSH.0.2022-30-048.

Traditional building types include temples, ancestral halls, public halls and community altars. Traditional architecture is an important material carrier of folk beliefs

in the region, and can provide more necessary souvenirs and event venues for local intangible cultures such as folk beliefs, myths, and religious customs in the region. Based on the field investigation records and the Depthmap software, this paper firstly analyzes the space syntax variable parameter values of the main streets of Cuiwei historical streets and alleys, and t

hen conducts mesoscopic and microscopic quantitative analysis of the Sanwang Temple in the Cuiwei historical street, and analyzes the f

uture of the Sanwang Temple. Some reference suggestions are put forward for updating and reforming.Traditional building types include temples, ancestral halls, public halls and community altars. Traditional architecture is an i

mportant material carrier of folk beliefs in the region, and can provide more necessary souvenirs and event venues for local intangible cultures such as folk beliefs, myths, and religious customs in the region. Based on the field investigation records and the Depthmap

software, this paper firstly analyzes the space syntax variable parameter values of the main streets of Cuiwei historical streets and alleys, and then conducts mesosco
