珠海 唐家湾 祠庙庭园造园特色研究

摘要: 岭南庭园研究始于 20 世纪 60 年代园林建设需要,珠海 唐家湾 近代庭园地处岭南广府地区,属于岭南庭园的范畴。古镇现存明清祠堂建筑、庙宇建筑较多,仅少数庭园保存完好且具有地域特征。以我国历史文化名镇珠海唐家湾的祠庙庭园为例,通过文献梳理与田野考察,从核心功能、礼教和祥福为主题的景观元素方面展开造园特色剖析,以期为后续岭南广府地区祠庙庭园的建筑景观类型保护及再开发提供参考。[SCITIP 唐家湾 ]

DOI: CNKI:SUN:MEIC.0.2022-02-002

CITE: 陈俊璋, 汤强, 陈以乐 & 郑亮.(2022). 基于空间句法理论的建筑叙事空间记忆研究——以华南农业大学五山宿舍为例. 美与时代 (城市版)(02),6-10. doi:CNKI:SUN:MEIC.0.2022-02-002.

The study of Lingnan gardens began in the 1960s due to the needs of garden construction. The Tangjiawan Modern Garden in Zhuhai is located in the Guangfu area of Lingnan and belongs to the category of Lingnan gardens. There are many Ming

and Qing ancestral hall buildings and temple buildings in the ancient town, and only a few gardens are well preserved and have regional characteristics. Taking the ancestral temple garden in Tangjiawan, Zhuhai, a famous historical an

d cultural town in my country, as an example, through literature review and field investigation, the analysis of the gardening characteristics

is carried out from the aspects of core functions, rituals and auspicious blessings as the theme of landscape elements, with a view to providing a basis for the follow-up Lingnan Guangfu. It provides a reference for the protection and redevelopment of architectural landscape types of temple gardens in the region.


The study of Lingnan gardens began in the 1960s due to the needs of garden construction. The Tangjiawan Modern Garden in Zhuhai is located in the Guangfu area of Lingnan and belongs to the category of Lingnan gardens. There are many Ming a

nd Qing ancestral hall buildings and temple buildi

ngs in the ancient town, and only a few gardens are well preserved and have regional characteristics. Taking the ancestral temple garde

n in Tangjiawan, Zhuhai, a famous historical and cultural town in my country, as an example, through literature review and field investigation, the

analysis of the gardening cha

racteristics is carried out from the aspects of core functions, rituals and auspicious blessings as the theme of landscape elements, with a view to providing a basis for the follow-up Lingnan Guangfu. It provides a reference for the protection and redevelopment of architectural landscape types of temple gardens in the region.
