城市记忆 在城市规划中的应用分析

摘要: 随着社会的发展和进步, 我国在城市规划建设方面已经取得了长足发展, 城市记忆作为一种新的城市规划理念被逐渐应用到实际规划过程当中, 通过城市记忆在城市规划中的应用, 能够有效帮助城市风貌保护、旧城改造等提供新的规划思路。本文将对城市记忆的概念和特征进行简要分析, 对城市记忆在城市规划中的应用规划要素进行阐述, 希望能为相关从业人员带来一些启发和帮助。[SCITIP 城市记忆 ]

DOI: 10.16141/j.cnki.1671-8089.2019.03.036.

CITE: 郑亮.(2019). 城市记忆在城市规划中的应用分析. 现代物业 (中旬刊)(03),47. doi:10.16141/j.cnki.1671-8089.2019.03.036.

With the development and progress of society, my country has made great progress in urban planning and construction. As a new urban planning concept, urban memory has been gradually applied to the actual planning process. Through the application of urban memory in urban planning, we can Effectively help to provide new planning ideas for urban style pro

tection and old city reconstruction. This article will briefly analyze the concept and characteristics of urban memory, and expound the application planning elements of urban memory in urban planning, hoping to bring some inspiration and help to relevant practitioners.

With the development and progress of society, my country has made great progress in urban planning and construction. As a new urban planning concept, urban memory has been gradually applied to the actual planning process. Through the application of urban memory in urban planning, we can Effectively help to provide new planning ideas for urban style protection and old city reconstruction. This article will briefly analyze the concept and characteristics of urba

n memory, and expound the application planning elements of urban memory in urban planning, hoping to bring some inspiration and help to relevant practitioners.
