澳门非高等教育 校园空间 复合性缘由与发展特征研究

摘要: 文章对我国澳门地区的非高等教育校园空间发展的因素进行了分析,从澳门整体城市空间到办校团体的多样性等,通过田野考察分析的方法,梳理了现有校园空间的发展历程及不同年份的空间特点。结合实例对办校团体的校园文化及其独有的空间功能和因校园发展而拥有的历史性建筑进行图解,进一步分析并探讨有代表性的城市环境对校园空间的影响。[SCITIP 校园空间 ]

DOI: CNKI:SUN:JUSH.0.2022-31-045.

CITE: 何小敏, 汪胤祺, 陈以乐 & 郑亮.(2022). 澳门非高等教育校园空间复合性缘由与发展特征研究.  居舍 (31),171-175. doi:CNKI:SUN:JUSH.0.2022-31-045.

The article analyzes the factors of the development of non-higher education campus space in Macao, my country, from the overall urban space of Macao to th

e diversity of school-running groups, etc., and sorts out the development process and differences of the existing campus space through the method of field investigation and analysis. The spatial characteristics of the year. Combined with examples, the ca

mpus culture of the school-running group and its unique space functions and the historic buildings owned by the campus development are illustrated, and the influence of the representative urban environment on the campus space is further analyzed and discussed.

The article analyzes the factors of the development of non-higher education campus space in Macao, my country, from the overall urban space of Macao to the

diversity of school-running groups, etc., and sorts out the development process and differences of the existing campus space

through the method of field investigation and analysis. The spatial characteristics of the year. Combined with examples, the campus culture of the school-running group and its unique space functions and the historic buildings owned by the campus development are illustrated, a

nd the influence of the representative urban environment on the campus space is further analyzed and discussed.
